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Unix commands to help newbies to get started

Basic Commands:

cd .. Move backwards one directory

chfn Want to change the info that the finger command gives ?
  * To change the information that someone gets when they do a finger on you the user, type ``chfn"

chmod   Change Privileges
   * If a file does not have the correct chmod, then you can change this as long as you the user own the file.  For example if you have a file called help.dat that is chmod'd to 700 and it needs to be 755, use the following example
       ``chmod 755 help.dat"

cp      Copy Command
  * The copy command is great to move files from one location to another.  To do this, use the following example as a guide. ``cp help.dat /usr/var"

date  Need to change the date on your Unix box ?
   * Every now and then your unix box will loose the proper time, to change      it to the correct time use the following example:  for Feb 26,1998, at 9:30am, type the following    ``date 9802260930"

df      Displays the hard drive partition information

find  Looking for a file on your box ?
    * Lost a file, or looking for one ?  Use the following example `` find / -name help.dat"
grep  Global Search/Replace program
  * Lets say you are looking for the file help.dat, to find this file you would do ``grep help.dat *" or to globally look through the complete Hard Drive, type ``grep -v help.dat |more"

lp      Have a file you want to print ?
   * To print a file called   help.dat   use the following example ``lp help.dat"  if you are logged into a machine via telnet and want to print something out use ``lpr help.dat"  the lpr is Remote Line Print.

manManual on all Unix commands
   * If you don't have some sort of book on FreeBSD or it is not handy, the man pages are your friend.  To use them do the following if we were looking up the grep command    ``man grep |more", thus giving you all the docs on the  command grep.

mkdirMake a new directory
* Being we all at times need a to make a directory, and some people have a problem doing such, thought I would show a example on how to do this command.  ``mkdir testdirectory"

rmdir  Remove a directory
    * Being we now can make directories, now you need to know how to get rid of them.  ``rm testdirectory"

pwd  Print working directory
* Are you lost and don't know it ?  If you get into a area, and forget what directory that you are in ?  With the ``pwd" command, it will show what directory you are in at that time.

who Shows who is logged onto the system

Always want to to know how to read the properties of a file ?  Well here is the information to put it into perspective...

       Owner                                  Group                                   Public
    -------------                       ---------------                    ------------------
       r w x                                     r w x                                     r w x
        4 2 1                                     4 2 1                                     4 2 1
      ______                                 ______                                 ______
           |                                             |                                            |
           |                                             |                                            |  
          7                                          7                                           7

Written By: GhostRdr

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